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 Next stream will be at Saturday the 24th February at 21:00 GMT+1



Someone get the woman some booze!


D-did she wrestle a superstrong tentacle out of her mouth just to say a punchline? :D


Oh, and what are you going to stream? Ferania job CGs already?


She’ll be cum drunk soon enough.


probably sketches again. this month is more of a commission month, because in december and january I didn't draw any in order to push alpha 4 out. So I figured in this month I should shift the focus on commissions, so it's balanced out again


Yeah I know, so I thought there might be no stream. This is a nice surprise 🙂

Jason Bill

Something I've been wondering about. How far ahead are the webcomic pages sorta planned out or finalized? I'd assume there's a general plan for the story overall. Like what each chapter is gonna be and the major beats. But I'm wondering about page to page. So this sex scene with Aurora for example. Is that all planned out already? Like what each page is gonna be? Or do they sorta get figured out as you go? Also, related to that topic, are you open to ideas or suggestions about scenes? So for example, if someone suggests an idea for a way a scene could play out, and you like the idea, would you potentially go with that? Or is there a sort of artistic vision that you're sticking to? Like you want it to go a very specific way, and we're sort of along for the ride, and it's set in stone at that point? It's completely fine if that's the case. The webcomic is great, and there's absolutely no criticism or anything like that from me. More just curious about the process, and if it would be worth it to sorta give ideas or not. Maybe one of us comes up with something you didn't think about that you would want to do, etc. I had a thought about the current Aurora scene. It would be awesome if she had to struggle against an extra large tentacle. Maybe at some point you could have her get flipped forward, so she's more on her stomach. The last panel on one of the pages could be a giant tentacle slithering up behind her. Really girthy, try to get across the weight of it, slow and lumbering. She hasn't noticed it yet. First panel on the next page is Aurora giving a shocked/surprised face, with the second panel being the mega tentacle prodding her ass. Not inserted yet, but getting ready, pushed up against her asshole. Have the rest of that page be her struggling to get her arms free. Next page is her reaching down behind/below her to grab it and try to keep it from pushing into her. Struggling with it a bit. And then the page after that, bam! That's when it pushes through her grip and slams into her. Doesn't even have to be anal. I had Shin Seiki Inma Seiden on the brain when i was thinking about this. <a href="https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/6643205" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/6643205</a> Guess it sorta circles back to my initial questions though. Is the scene already figured out at this point? Even if you liked that idea for example, is it too late essentially? Like, what you already have planned is sketched/lined? Or even just, you're going to go with what you already had planned regardless, which is completely fine if that's the case. Like i said before, the comic is great. More just curious about it all. What your thoughts are about stuff like that. The comic has been awesome so far. Can't wait for more.


I guess I need to type a bit more in order to answer your question: The "rough outlines" of the webcomic are already planned from start to end. Most of the finer details are also already planned. (I basically work like: rough plan --&gt; finer details --&gt; actual pages, panel layout, text etc.) Basically, step 1 (rough plan) and step 2 (finer details) are already done. though I'm sometimes doing some adjustments to step 2. step 3 (actual pages, panel layout, text etc) is usually done some time before the pages are being drawn. sometimes we do it on a shorter notice, sometimes it's been planned weeks ahead. adjustments are always "possible", but we only do that if it improves things or if it's absolutely necessary (for various reasons) usually we don't adjust the webcomic if people ask for it though. but we love community interaction, and if there's something that "adds" to what we had planned already, and if it's possible to include it, we usually do that. (but I must stress that we only do this in very rare cases, and that we only ever do that if it's along the line of things we wanted to do anyways) like, we won't suddenly change a character, what a character wears, his/her personality or speech pattern etc. just because someone asks us to do so. (unless we already planned this from the start) we also don't change the story or events if people ask us to do so. but what we do is stuff like this: - someone posts something hilarious which fits with the scene and the character and we think it fits - someone suggests something that actually fits with the situation and character and is along the lines of what we wanted to do anyways (just better than our original plan) then, we do adjustments ^^ but only then so... summed up: it's possible to suggest certain things, or joke about it, or simply wish for it. but there's no guarantee that we're going with it ^^