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Ahoy hoy dear Patrons!

I wanted to inform you that we are taking a small break from today until 15th September (16th September will be a live stream), now that DB RPG alpha 3 is out.

We are quite exhausted after the release, because we worked overtime for several weeks, and so we figured that a small break would help to regain some energy.

This means, I may not be able to read and reply to new messages in that time. Also we won't do the saturday stream at 9th September, but the webcomic pages will be uploaded as usual.
I'll be  taking a look at Patreon on webcomic release days, so I actually won't be gone completely, don't worry.
I'm here every 3-4 days, but I try to not work too much, as those days are supposed to be relaxing. Otherwise it can hardly be called a vacation if I work anyways (which I kinda do, since the webcomic won't stop in that time, haha).

So on the next 10 days, we are on a semi-vacation.
(If I recall correctly, it's the first vacation in this year? Oh boy...xD)

Please forgive us if we don't respond in a timely manner during that time.

Well then, see 'ya folks after vacation! ^w^



Have fun


Enjoy and have a good rest ^^

Kaede Kagami

Have fun both of you !


have a good REST and vacation :D cres and wolf ^^