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That casual chest grope. XD


Yeah ,leave the teleporting vampire maniac in charge while literally patting a more dutiful servant with same qualifications on the head. It's like he wants the castle taken over and a lot of hentai to happen.


that would be funny, but no xD Vasqua is actually a quite fitting choice to defend a castle. (looks like vampires and castles go well together in every story xD) I mean, Astarte might be less of a cocky troublemaker, but if she transforms into garm, she would wreck the castle with her brute strength, while vasqua can swifly move through the castle without damaging anything. And as one of the rivers, she's a one (wo)man army anyways =)


Unless she forgets about it. Or sleeps through it in her coffin. Or is too busy turning pretty boys into zombie minions. Or stalking her master from the shadows. Or trolling Astarte. Or ... Somebody tell Hellwolf he should put Astarte in charge while Vasqua has to obey her and defend the castle as her subordinate, or he wouldn't love her anymore That would surely improve their relationship :P