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hey everyone^^ I just got a new idea what I could add as milestone Goal. My idea was that I could add creating dakimakura motives of Ferania and the other girls when we reach...let's say... 1000$ per month. For those who don't know what a Dakimakura is, that's a big pillow (50cm x 150cm / around 20inch x 59inch) with a doublesided print of a character on it. My plan would be to search for a shop who would produce the dakimakura and offer them in their shop, which means I only create the designs but I will NOT produce and ship them personally. You would have to buy them in the shop by yourself. So actually noone get's the Dakimakura when we reach the goal, but it would enable me to create the graphics for it which is a whole lot of work. After that you would still need to purchase it from the shop. I hope noone missunderstands this as scam or something, after all you are supporting me for the webcomic and other things and this is just a bonus I want to offer you. It's more like unlocking the possibility to get Dakimakura with our girls on it. Otherwise it would not be possible for me to take the time to draw them. And I think this is a good idea to offer something new as milestone. Please let me know what you think of it or if you have other sugesstions^^



Hmmm... that's an interesting idea. I'm not sure, personally. I know some friends who are into dakimakuras, but they're not something I've ever really looked into myself. THough it DOES mean more Cres art, which is always good.


I like the idea and would consider buying one.


I also think it's a good idea. However I don't see why it should be tied to a milestone. If people are interested, they would have to buy it from the shop, where I think you will have a cut of the sales too. So if you think there are enough people interested in purchasing one, then it is a good idea to do it. I often see milestones for perks on public/free works or support for future public works. Otherwise, it's just a commission or purchase.


I think it's a very good idea. I would probably buy all of them.


hehe^^ also I wanted to display the motives online too. Of course not in full resolution, but still good enough to have a good view of it. So even if someone doesn't want to buy one, he/she can still see the motive^^


I'm glad to hear that :3 I think if I do this as milestone goal, I'll start with Ferania first since she's one of the most popular characters so far.


Well it's important that it is a milestone goal since drawing one motive will take a lot of time and work to draw. (probably 40h per motive. That's 20h per side, since the Dakimakura has a character in two different poses and it's a high resolution picture) And even if I get something from the sales too, It would sure take more than 100 sales to pay the working time that I spend on it. That's why it's nececcary that this is a milestone goal, otherwise I wouldn't have the time (money) to draw the motives, since I need to work on other stuff instead in order to pay my bills. I hope that makes sense^^''' I'm not good at explaining things.


No that makes perfect sense. I guess I'm just trying to say, if enough people are interested, it doesn't have to be a milestone but it just depends on how many people will buy it. I understand it takes quite a bit of time and work, and there is a bit of risk if people don't. I hope it gets more people interested.


ah okay, now I got the point^^ I guess my fanbase is still to small to be sure that it will sell enough to fund the motives on it's own. Probably that changes some day, but from the current view, I can only do it like this^^