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New Page is out^^ It's the last page sponsored by BazookaDre, so next month there will be one page per week, not two. And I want to release on Wednesdays, so the webcomic will continue on 5th November 2014. Also I wanted to ask something. I would like to change the 1400$ milestone goal into something else. The webcomic pages, as they are now, take 1 day (maximum 2) to be drawn, so once the 600$ milestone goal is reached, I would have to work between 2-4 days on the webcomic. That's fine, there's still time for other projects like the games Wolfenstahl and I want to create. But if we reach the 1400$ goal, I would have to spend 2-3 days per page, what would be 4-6 days a week. That would extremly slow down the game projects. So my thought was, that I could change the 1400$ milestone into something that has something to do with our games, instead of the webcomic. (Of course that would also add rewards for all Patron tiers. We just have to think about what exactly the game related rewards would be) Please feel free to tell me your thoughts^^



I'm fine with it, though I can't think of any ideas for it right now.


Same, go for it, would like to see more of the game related stuff on the Patreon page too though ^^ Congratulations on reaching the $300 mile stone btw xD


yayz, thank you^^ *dances a happy dance because of reaching the 300$ milestone*


Congrats~! By the way, is your friend still sponsoring you, so we can have 2 pages per week??


as written in the post, no he's not sponsoring more sites^^ from now on we have 1 page per week, what's a good thing for me, since I can spend more time on creating games now :3