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Super rood. Will she get her comeuppance when she has to "service" all of the ugly minions?


...and thus a seed of betrayal was planted in the heart of an otherwise loyal minion. Supervillain foul Schnee, supervillain foul.


Trying to defend why she killed some poor guy just because he's ugly is horrid. That's not even villainous it's just down right evil and disgusting. If she at least felt horrible after because she can't control it I wouldn't feel so bad but my god. Makes me sick.


What's wrong with his face? I don't know. What's wrong with your attitude? Why you such a bitch? I'd still tap that though. :P Can't wait for someone to teach her a ''lesson''. Kikikiki.


Aw, too bad, I was still kinda hoping it was a fake out and Empress pulled a Dual Guard ^^


We weren't so lucky, sadly. And neither was the poor demon boy. God rest his beautiful soul.


I'm indeed sad too. That was pretty cruel of Schnee. She may look cute with all the pretty stuff she collects, but her reaction to "uglyness" is always very cold and cruel.


It's kind of ironic. Her reaction to ''ugliness'' is in and of itself pretty ''ugly''. Nobody better tell her that. Her mind might explode. XD


I think Emi-chan (would Minori call her that? haha) might be worse than her. She has no weird compulsions and she still let it happen (unlike Hyena who was off guard, not dealing with the messenger, reading and still at least managed an "oh shi-!"). She knows Schnee, so her first reflex should have been to send Schnee out of the room when the guy entered. Or she could have interfered and saved her loyal servant and maybe show how much of a badass leader she is by keeping Schnee in line. Instead she just sat there on her throne smiling sadistically. I won't be surprised if their mistreated demon minions betrayed them somewhere down the line...


@bigtotoro Yeah, she clearly didn't care all that much about the poor guy. A betrayal would be very nice. Oh, I can just imagine all the kinky situations that could occur afterwards. Hehe.


yeah, Empress (Emi-chan sounds actually nice as nickname) really didn't care that much. But that's due to her sadistic side. Hyena is hella agressive, but she's still the most empathic of the four, Empress is sadistic (plus she actually didn't wanted to be the leader, so she may not do the best job in the role. Though it's to early to explain why) and Schnee is everything between cute to indifferent to cruel, depending on what she's dealing with.


So they all need to be disciplined a little. Good to know. Hopefully someone will get on that sometime soon.