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First of all thank you everyone for your support. I reached my first goal in the previous month and my second goal this month. And your support really helping me in paying my bills. And so in return i have been treating the blogs and my animations as job. I  have been working on both blogs daily to keep up with the latest mods and conversions while also working in-between on my animations. 

Now for blog patrons > A reminder that the url won't be changed this month. As i said in may i will try to change the URL every 2 months so i don't inconvenience people too much. The next URL change will be around 2-5 july and it will be sent to active patrons through DM and posted in the discord server.

For animations patrons > The next animation should be finished by tomorrow. I just finished re-creating it in blender and will adjust it in 3ds max. I also realize that i haven't really mentioned anything about my plans or schedule regarding the animations. 

So i will just say that my goal is to release 3-4 combat animation per month. A good animation with good reference usually take me 4-5 days to create and another day or 2 to adjust the movement to fit the vanilla behavior.

Normally i should be releasing 4-5 animations per month, but sometimes i get delayed because i can't find a good reference or animations to re-create in skyrim. and sometimes i botch the animation or can't really fit it to the vanilla behavior so i have to start over. So 3/4 is more realistic goal for me.



Awesome definitely worth the subscribe👍