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Dear Patreons,

We are excited to announce the arrival of the new Diamond monthly card as a reward on Patreon. If you are a supporter at the 100$, 200$, or 500$ tier, you will now be receiving a Diamond monthly card instead of the Platinium monthly card.

In addition to the new Diamond monthly card, we are slightly decreasing some of the other rewards like kobans, combativity, etc. in those tiers.

While this may seem like a downgrade, we are making these changes to keep the balance between rewards and contributions.

We hope that you will enjoy these changes, and thank you for being a valued supporter of our Patreon!

Lots of love,

The Hentai Heroes Team



It's amazing!! On the 1st credit card is debited but to date 3rd (2 days later no patreon benefit has been added to the bill... Platinium Card expiration season pass not added, fights dropped down, etc etc..) Ok that not on Saturdays and Sundays the team does not work, but if the credit card is debited I think on the same day the benefit should be added to the account. Just organize to distribute things the Friday before. I will not renew my patreon subscription because it's more than a year that developers do nothing to solve this problem.


Having to start Mythic Day with only 20 fights instead of the 50 I would have saved is not only annoying, but will cost me extra kobans to buy. The one off rewards at the start of the month are nice, but I pay my Patreon for the card benefits which make playing the game so much smoother. As KK manually add rewards it wouldn't be hard for them to plan ahead and ensure cards won't expire before the next month starts