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We’d like to start by saying thank you all, not only for attending our Patreon Hub meetings, but  for providing your structured feedback on the major points as well. Your help is  more than just financial and we appreciate it.

The discussion started slowly, but it got really big by the end. Our dedicated team spent time reading every comment. At the end, we thought it would be better to sum everything up  than add thousands of comments. 

The one concern most of you had was the new Epic Pachinko system. As we do understand your worries around it, we’d like to let you know that it’s a feature that’s actually working good for the game and its players. It might not be very beneficial to you because you already have most of the girls, but it gives a chance to the rest of the players to obtain them. Why is this good for you? Because it will improve the balance in the game, it will make the Leagues and the Clubs more challenging and fun. Trying to create the perfect balance in game for the different types’ of players is a mission that we’ve been always working on and we will keep working on it., It is a difficult process that is taking time, resources, and is,of course, full of challenges. 

So, let’s say you’re an average player, that has big enough Harem, but still has a lot of girls to conquer . The Epic Pachinko might be just the thing you need. It will save you time and resources to get the exact girl you want. But if you’re a hardcore player, dedicated to your Harem and it is already huge, then the Epic Pachinko is not really working for you unless there’s a chance for winning a good kit next to it? Or if we offer you a x10 one, guaranteeing you a girl plus lots of extras? Or if we leave girls in the normal Pachinko? Your feedback is taken into  account and we’re going to work on balancing the Epic Pachinko. 

We’ve received a lot of interesting gameplay ideas from you! They’re all worth discussing, but let’s mention few of the challenging ones. Like mastering all the 3 classes in the game. Nice advice - it's our goal to change the battle system in this direction. We will see how fast it will happen. With the new planned battles with Bosses and Club Wars the incentive to level up and develop all girls is there anyway. Once we remake the battle system, we will work on the items and stats! The crafting system - we’re already working on, but we can’t really say when will it be ready and implemented, we will upgrade you with information. To sum up, our team is working on a lot of features material, as well as making our already available features better. This all happens thanks to your feedback. Although, currently we cannot make any promises about release dates or provide more detailed information. We need more time for this.

Now, last but not least, regarding the girls ideas you’ve been giving to us: they’re all appreciated. They’re now in the nasty hands of our writer! He will find the best way to create something you’d love having! It’s a promise. The exclusive Patreon girl is a gorgeous work in progress, but you can expect the first official draft soon. We took more time with her because she is special, but she is worth the wait. we’re going to work on a way to compensate those of you that waited for more than they had to. Her release date is in two weeks.

Your feedback is very important because it helps us find the balance between your needs as players and the direction our team has envisioned for the game. We’re still a small team with big ideas. One year ago we were just dreaming of creating more fun content for you. This year our mission is not only to continue providing the best content and features, but to improve the ones we already have and stay as close to you,  our players, as we possibly can. 

Thank you,



Also, it would be nice to offer a compensation for last month's missed out girls, because many of us felt scammed, and would have bought those girls normally if there would have been an acceptable offer (like the one that we actually bought the kobans for). So giving another occasion to get them the way we expected when we bought the kobans would be nice.


so i asked u if the p-grils would be released yesterday on discord and u wanted to check. its fine its not today. i mean: now i waited already so long if its a few days more or less that woudnt matter anymore. but at least can u give us a final date and not somethign like "soon" or" we r working on her".