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Time to talk and share! Let's improve together!

1. Share your ideas and feedback on our rewards system. What do you think should be improved, except for our Discord and Forum  - Patreon connection. Do you wish having different rewards? Do you wish for more Patreon girls?

2. Share your ideas on the game featues. What do you think about our latest features and our events? Would you like having more and different events?

3. Free. Discuss, talk, let us know if you want any other points to beshared here.

Please, be constructive and respect others. We're also going to comment, but we'd like to let you comment first.

Thank you,
Jessie Kinkoid



I remember seeing another person post about the difficulty for new players to catch up story wise. One option could be to have energy refills appear as rewards during events on bosses who don't hold girls. It would probably be better that it appears on lower bosses (up to the highest event girl holding boss for example) since it would be fairly useless to those at the higher chapter. The chance could also be scaled to appear more on lower chapters. The legendary/ epic days type events might be a good time for this to appear as the only way to even have a chance at getting the girl is through boss fights. Either way this is just a rough idea.


Crazy idea. What if the bosses that doesn't have any event girls had a chance to drop tickets you could use for free 1x spins in the epic pachinko? Same drop as legendary, so you wouldn't get to many (shouldn't make it to easy ;) ) The tickets should be bound to the event ofc, preventing hoarding.