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Hello, everyone.

Before we do a message session...
I promised to release inside information to you and this is what I'm going to do.

Here's some things directly from our hidden development docs...
Clubs will be a social and gameplay feature that will affect all players. The goal is to have players interact with each other more and also compete with their team against the others. This should provide more engagement.


Players will be able to chat with each other within the club menu. If someone is getting aggressive/abusive, members with privileges will have the ability to mute him. 


Players will be able to create (or join) a Club when they reach a certain amount of girls owned. Creating a club costs them Kobans and give them the right to choose the clan name.

A player can be only in one club at a time - to join a new clan the player needs first to leave their present 

Club building and menu

The Club will have a special building in the town and its own menu for all club features.


Cluv members will have ranks which will give them different privileges - inviting players, kicking players, muting players, etc.

Request Help

Club members will be able to request different in-game resources and items such as Energy, Books, Gifts, etc. Other club members will be able to donate these getting SC & XP in return. Requests and donations are strictly limited so there are no exploits.


Club members can donate resources (SC and HC) for club upgrades that will benefit all club members. Upgrades will affect battle stats - hardcore, charm, know-how, endurance; XP or SC gains, etc.

Club Wars

Girls’ Wars - clans enlist for a war and they get matched in couples. A certain number of girls from each club member will take part into the war. The girls from the one clan will fight against the other’s taking turns one girl after another. The Club that loses all girls first loses the war.

Territorial Wars - long lasting war; club enlist for a war and they get matched in groups of 3-5. The war is played in turns where each of the territories available brings a certain amount of point and have a certain objective such as Win PvP battles against players from the other Clubs in that war,  Finish Quests, etc. The club get rewards in the end of the war according to their placement 1st to 5th.


Provide a Social feature in the game


All players can join if the Club is not full

Requests only

Players can request to join but should be approved from members with privileges. A player can request join to one Club only at any given time. When the request is revoked or canceled by the player, he can request again to another club.


No players can join (no free joining, no requests);

Note: For now we have no plans for adding options for personal invitations so closed will actually mean no one can join but will still allow players to tell verbally to friends and coordinate when to change the type to Request Only when they are online and let them join this way. The moment we add (if we do it) an invite option it will change the way the Closed actually works and will allow clan leaders to invite whoever they want.

Joining a Club

To join/apply to a Club the player needs to click on the Club name in the list (the whole row is a clickable zone) and go to Club’s Main Screen.

The Main Screen shows the following information:

Club Name

Club Logo

Club Base Info

Total contribution

Club Level

Club’s Upgrades

Shown as icons with the level displayed (more information is possible on mouse over)

Clubs Members list

A Join Button is displayed in the lower central part of the screen

The states of the button text are as follows


When the Club is Open and not full

On click the player joins the club

The feature is about to be released in more than a week, so please keep these details for yourself! :) They are your reward!

Thank you,
Jessie Kinkoid



i would also like to suggest that this max number should increase as the lvl of the club , the stronger/bigger the club gets the more ppl it can invite


I have no objections to this and I will be trying it out once it drops, but I do have one big question. I tend to be a solo player in everything I do. from games, to work to even parts of my marriage. If I find I am not a fan of the clubs and want to keep going solo will the game start becoming near impossible to play? I've had to quit several games through the years because they start introducing raids or battles or what the club war sounds like, where if you don't join a group you miss out on new weapons, armor, ect in this case I would guess girls.


It could be nicer that the stronger clans and it's stronger/active members gets better rewards monthly