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Hello, everyone!

We hope you’re having a nice, horny summer with your tanned girls!!!

I bet you want to know what’s the next big thing in Haremverse? Our duty is to share the news first to you!

We’re going to introduce a League system in September! The PVP system will be available from lvl 20 and beyond, the moment a player is level 20 he will eventually be assigned to an entry league (lowest league) for the next season. The season itself will last 14 days and after it’s over a new season will directly begin. Important is to know that in the beginning of each season, each member within a league will be distributed in brackets including between 100 and 199 players. At the end of each season, the top 15 of each bracket with the most league points will be promoted to a higher league! Nice, right? But the top 15 with the lowest league points will be demoted to a lower league…  But each player that has a positive score at the end of each season will receive a reward based on the ranking inside the bracket. During a season, a player can only challenge the members of his brackets, to a maximum of 3 times! That’s good to know! But to challenge a player it will require challenge points! Those are charging to a rate of 60 minutes for 1.

We created this feature with a lot of love! It’s going to provide a lot of excitement as well as new activities and more rewards! We’re giving more and more to Haremverse and we’re not going to stop!

Thank you for being here and supporting us!

We’re going to give you more explanations and visuals soon!

*The leagues will be available for testing around the 27 of August on the Test server and we are aiming at a release on the 12th September.

Thank you,
Jessie Kinkoid



also will it be possible to join the test server? pls , last time i submitted, i was not picked unfortunately

James P

when are we going to get to continue the story/mission mode?