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Hello, everyone.

Thank you for supporting us.

Here's the latest Patch note, provided to you before anyone else gets to see it.

Feedback is more than welcomed.

More arts are about to come this week to you!

Jessie Kinkoid


Patch Notes 16/05/18

Profile A release of 6 news avatars with the price of 60 kobans A release of a full character outfit: one item, one headset, and one bodysuit.



I wish the profile add-ons did not cost kobans. I mean there only cosmetic and I don't think it's worth it. Now if you guys attached a buff to the outfit like 10% more cash & exp earned from all sorsses then it would totally be worth it plus you could release more and more outfits with even higher buffs like 15%, 20%, and up to 100% and charge more kobans depending on how high the buff is. But until outfits and sceen backgrounds come with some kind of in-game bonus I don't think people will have a reason to spend valuable kobans on them unless you give them a reason to do so. Just a thought 😉


For example = if you sell 1 hat that gives a 5% bonus to cash & exp gains and 1 held item that also gives a 5% bonus plus a full suit that gives a 10% bonus then people will have a huge incentive to spend there hard earned kobans on something that will give them a long term benefit. I know this works in a game called (Gems of War) same concept.