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Thank you all for being here with us!

January was a really interesting month, you would agree, right? :) We went for two events, we hosted a promotion, and we hope February will be even better, thanks to you! You support gives us batteries!!!

The Patch notes are provided to you first each time! And it will stay like this always!

We are open to comments ;)



Patch Notes - 31/01/18

General The game will be now available fully in Spanish and a new discord channel will be created to welcome all the Spanish hentai lovers. Contacting the customer support from the game in Spanish is now available. Girls The affection's requirement and the cost (in both Kobans and ingame money) for the grades of the Girls will have now a max cap.



And who is this Avatar girl? Me want ;)


Oh this looks promising ! The Last Sexbender might be a great name too :) It will be fun to see this unfold. I am at 'Coming Soon' now....so waiting for more quests to be released :)