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Thank you for your support!

We created this just for you! It answers a lot of frequently asked questions.

Important: Kobans are sent to all of you, if tomorrow morning you have nothing, contact us and we are going to investigate! Messages are also going to be answered tomorrow.

If you have more questions, please let us know.



Patreon, Tiers, Kobans, Changes.

Hello, my dear! Thanks to all of you, for your help and support! We are really, really thankful. We decided it's time that we give you more information on our Patreon activities. In this post we are going to "translate" what each word of your tier box means! Wohaaaa...



Wow. 700 kobans. I am so sorry for complaining last month for only getting 4500 for the same 15$ contribution. Thank you for valuable lesson on how entitlement is detrimental to my happiness in life. Keep up a good work.


Hello, it's interesting what you've written. Actually, we received complaints from Patreons that asked about the kobans and the bonus, they all wanted to know fixed numbers. So, we had to actually do this and make it clear. We always offered more than what one may get if they buy kobans in-game. Now we had to make a balance between your donation and the kobans you get, because as you see you are also getting a lot of other stuff here ;) Yet, the bonus system can't be fixed for everybody, because each month staying with us makes your bonuses bigger and bigger. Therefore, this is the basic math that we should all start with :) Best, Kinkoid


As i know, a lot of HH players can have the same nickname. But I can find only one of them in "Tower of Fame". Are you planning to fix it? p.s. And i havent received any kobans yet. upd. I have received the reward five minutes ago, thank you.