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It's the first time we ever reach that number. Your support is growing and we are amazed! We just started looking for a professional game designer, so that the re-balance can soon be a fact! <3 The enthusiasm in our minds is extending to a stage that we want to do so much things with our time. It's amazing.

Today is a celebration! Celebration for us, for the moment when we started, for the moment when we were small and no one noticed us, and for the moment when your support kept us going on!

Thank you so much! You can't imagine! It's also the last day of the event, so we are giving bonus kobans to all of you, let's go crazy on the last day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Did you miss me or am I just missing something?


How many were we supposed to get? My account doesn't look like I've received any (I didn't take note of the exact amount, but I've had around 500 for a few days now - ever since I did 10x Epic Pachinko on *I think* day 13 of the festival and that left me with around 500). Thank you.