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I'm honing in on the appearance for the bordello's next client.  Based on the script, I think I need to move her away from the 'demonic' look and more towards the 'tiefling adventurer' look.




I like her look - and the pose 👍🏻

Matt Reed

why not give her glowing eyes? Right now she's not that attractive to myself at least, there's a weird 'old woman' vibe she's giving off. Also, a Draenei is a fun option, similar but less devilish.

Snake Plissken

Yeah not a fan of the face looks kind of manly and unsettling to me

John McCarthy

Looks like she's saying did I do that ? .....

old version was much better


Not good at all. Ground up work needs to be done.


Definitely looks like a more authentic, lore-friendly "Tiefling" in this version. Which, for people who don't know/care: are generally not known for being lookers. Artistically, I think you knocked it out of the park. She doesn't look human, but still has some charm to her. What you do with that is up to you.


W artist


Wot's a tiefling, is it like a leprechaun that steal's ?


I joined after watching her, incredible work. Hope she gets what's coming in her someday 😏