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I've gotten quite a few people asking if I have a discord server and some people have said I should make one, so I thought I'd make a poll about it.  It has come up before and I shot it down, but it's been a while so maybe it's time to return to the subject.

At the moment I don't really know what the purpose would be.  I don't even know if it would be a Patreon related thing or just a regular server.  All I know is that I don't really want to moderate it.  Maybe I could use it as an effective way to give feedback to people?  I think spreading knowledge around and helping people is fun but chatting with a room of hundreds of people about which dick size is the best or whatever bullshit just doesn't sound appealing to me.  Really any kind of big group text conversation gives me a headache.

Anyways I'm just curious what people think.  Let me know if you have any ideas in the comments.  By no means will this poll determine anything; I'm just taking the temperature.



I don’t care if you make one but if you need help setting it up me and I assume others would be more then willing to help.


Moderating a discord server is a special kind of hell so only do it if you have a team ready to go.


You communicate well enough on Patreon so if its for feed back and discussion youd be trading more volume of feed back but for the hassles you just mentioned.

Rob Jones

I've only seen animators use discord while they were working on an animation. They usually listen to music and respond to some of the comments when they feel like it. On one hand, it could help you power through the more tedious aspects of animating. On the other hand, it would let people see animations before they were ready to be released. Not sure if that's a problem for you but that's the main thing I have seen.


I think you're good not making a discord - I know you've been struggling lately with burnout. I fear that making a discord would add to that stress and tax you mentally. You give a decent amount of information via the patreon updates and provide enough content to back it up.


Talking to more than few people at a time is an exercise in futility. If it were me I’d stick to doing the animation and fun(er) stuff.

Icarus Unleashed

I'm there with you on The headache of managing large group conversations. Trolls come out to play, folks get offended and misinterpret schtuff... Unless you feel you'd gain support or insight I'd say stay away from discord.

Timothy Guns

A Discord server might be good if you ever just want to do something else then just work and maybe talk with some likeminded people but you should feel the like you suddenly need to talk with everyone about everything you do. Others have said it before, it can be overwhelming if a whole bunch people are talking about dumb things like which fictional character's oversized firehose they want up their ass but, if it's managed well, it can be a chill place to hangout, just make sure you have clear ground rules. If you decided to make one, I can try and help a bit.


I don't see the point of making a Discord for your content. First of all NSFW stuff is really finicky with Discord, it's a super slippery slope if there is a minor in your Discord server (I would read upon rules of that, ToS). Unless you want to go through the hassle of making sure everyone is 18+, I wouldn't do it or you'd have to straight prohibit NSFW content. You can get warnings for Discord. Second of all, you can get our feedback through Patreon posts, sure Discord is more direct, but again, it's NSFW content, so you'd have to find a way to work around it if you are going to set up a server. It's too big of a hassle for what it's worth.

Angelo B.

I hit don't care, but after being reminded with all the comments here I'd say no now. If you can't get the answer or feedb5from the sources you already have them making a discord won't help, only add to the frustration of now maintaining it, being somewhat visible on it and a host of other issues

William Wilson

I hate when discord gets involved because all the content slowly gets shifted to it and people that only use patreon never know what is happening. If you want to post everything twice it's fine but please dont start posting updates to your beautiful art on another site 😭


Honestly if your goal is to use it to keep patrons up to date while discord can help that you can just make it a note to post more to patreon


So long as Discord doesn't become *the* place, and just an extra, I don't see an issue.


IMHO it's just going to invite more drama and maintenance for you. Post what you make as you make it, but creating too much of a back and forth with individual patrons can be draining -- unless that is interaction you would find personally rewarding.


I suggest you create YOUR characters as YOU imagine them to be. If others want bigger dicks, breasts, or whatever. They can use their time to create thier own fantasy characters. You will never please everyone all of the time. NYL, Pleasure yourself.