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Ok, sorry for the really late update but I've got a bunch of family stuff going on and it's been really on-and-off this month.  I've mostly been working on practice and side projects for the past couple weeks as I realized around Thanksgiving that I was in much more danger of burning out than I originally thought.  This project has turned out to be enormously complicated and every time I get closer to the end it's like I discover a whole new pile of work that I didn't expect.  Plus to add to that, my personal life is just sort of stressing me out.

A couple months ago I said I was shifting my attention to only work on Gorgon and now I realize how big of a mistake that was.  Not having another thing that I can work on and release in a short time frame really messes with my head.  Even if I release previews, they don't make me feel as though I've finished anything.  Pin-ups are really my only way of doing small projects, but even then they have to fit into a certain format and I usually don't spend more than a day or two on each.

For a while I wondered why my productivity was starting to fall off but then I realized just how much I was beating my head against a wall.  For example I'd go an entire week just animating three minutes worth of facial expressions without much to divert my attention.  For those who haven't done that, it can be a mind-numbing experience.  The less engaged you are in this type of work, the less optimal decisions you make, and the more time you end up wasting.  You start to forget things, re-do choices that don't make any sense, pixel-fuck, etc.

So I'm just gonna be pausing the Patreon this month to take the time to practice, work on some other projects, and deal with a bunch of personal stuff without any deadlines to hit or obligations to fulfill.  Pausing twice in one year is unusual for me, so I hope I don't make a habit of it.



Always a good idea to take some "you time". Hope the holidays treat you good!


Thank you for the update! Hope everything turns out well for you dude.


Take some you time. I know how stressful life can get, especially when family is involved. I'm glad I found your Patreon. I support you for you. Your number one priority should always be your own physical/mental health. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope you have a Merey Christmas/New Year.


Take the time you need and enjoy the holidays. Merry Xmas!


I'm really glad for the update and I'm wishing you all the best 🤗🤗🤗🤗


Seriously take care of yourself. You do amazing work. No need to suffer for your craft


You make a good point about the full focus making it easy to burn out. Maybe you should always leave these huge projects as side projects that you can work on in-between smaller animations. Things like gifs and loops or even "short" 15-20 second videos could be your main focus. In any case, you know what works best for your work style and the more you run into these issues the more you can hopefully avoid them in the future. We'll be here whenever you're ready, good luck!

Gary Palmer

Listen man number one comes first. So take the time you need. Thanks for the heads up and we'll see you when you get back, also Merry Christmas 🎄🎁🙂


take time for yourself, and have a good Christmas


Work on yourself first.


Take all the time you need! Happy Holidays and hope next year finds you well.


Have a good holiday mate, take it easy we all know you’re worth the wait :)

Rob Jones

Yeah man, as others are saying, just take some time and do your thing. Even porn can become a grueling chore sometimes. Enjoy your break and HAVE FUN!

Dave Ort

Take a break, and enjoy the holiday. Family first.


I personally support you to support you, not to get something out of you every month. You should be able to take breaks when you need.


Respect man, don't think anyone will fault you for taking some time off when your quality is so consistently high. Can't wait to see what comes next.

William Wilson

take it easy for a while and merry Christmas!

Ichigo Kurosaki

Work on yourself first, buddy. We’ll be here for you when you’re ready to show anything. Happy holidays, Nyl!!

Jason Trent

Take care and have a happy holidays!

Obie Brown

No worries at all, everyone has challenges and this year was rough for everyone. Rest, recover and we’ll stand by for you.


Hey, you take care of yourself. No use burning yourself out, for anything, ever. Figure out what works for you and makes you happy and healthy. Happy holidays.


You do you mate, as much as we’d love to see your work finished we’d all rather you be healthy and happy! Take care of yourself first. Take the time over the holidays to chill and speak time with family and friends. It doesn’t matter how long your projects take, I’m still back you on here ❤️


Aye, do what you got to do & take your time! Thanks for updating us, but make sure you’re not overworking yourself.

Indulge Me

Don't let the best be the enemy of the good.


do you known anyone else who is creating good 3d animation?


Take your time, no worries. Good luck :)


Take the time you need to rest and clear your head, nothing is worst than being burned out and unmotivated.


Yeah, that's right! We want you to be able to deliver fantastic stuff without getting burned out. But: a tiny little excerpt from your Gorgon project could go a long way. For us to survive the holidays. Please?!

Alex S

I hope you have a restful and enjoyable Christmas. You make erotic art of the highest calibre; no surprises it should be demanding especially for a solo creator. All the best to you and yours.

Mike Brown

Merry Christmas

Strings right

You give alot, rest easy


Merry Christmas mate, take some time to recharge. The work looks great!


*And happy New Year! =)


Your animations are some of the best by far! Please release some more full scenes like the Sindel Cassie final scene. I feel like there's just so much more to enjoy out of one longer full scene.

Stevie Goodenough

Would hate for one of my favorite artists to get burnt out so by all means take your time to center yourself.

Jojo Star

hang on :)




会在patreon发布,但是吧,很久没有真正意义上的作品发布了。上次发布的长视频是Sindel Cassie Sonya Release这(2021/2/1)