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From left to right it's Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela.

Apparently they only appear in the game for 0.25 microseconds so it was a little tough to differentiate their characters.  I even had to dig up some concept art to figure out what to do with their hair.  Not sure what I'm gonna do about the blood though... it might be hard to get rid of.  Maybe keep it?  I bet they'd look weird without it.

Anyways they were actually good practice because the method we used for the head-hack was similar to what I need to use for those Baldur's Gate models.  Basically they're just one model with a property slider that drives a bunch of shapekeys, bones, and materials to make them look like a certain character.  That way when I'm working on the models and rigs I only really have to work on one.




I say keep the blood. I...like it? 😏

Angelo B.

Baldurs gate? Where do I go to find those?


is the Lady gonna have a foursome?


Maybe touch up the blood a little? I don’t mind it but maybe tone it down just a bit not sure really.


Would be interesting to see them without blood but it's fine, Daniela needs a hair transplant tho.


the blood is pretty iconic, but lightening it to give it a sort of faded and less gory look, at least around their mouths, wouldn't be so bad imo


I think the blood should stay, as it's part of the characters rather than just part of their look at one point.


They should keep their blood IMO, it's a major part of the iconic look. Im a massive simp for the left one, Bela :)

Conscious Gentile

Get rid of the blood. Blood ain't sexy and never was

Rob Jones

I think they look really good considering the actual in game models seemed to be made as non-glamorous as possible. Its like they knew Lady D was a fan boys wet dream so they purposefully made the daughters as horrific looking as possible to compensate. Also, the fact that they appear so little in the actual game means there is room to use your imagination and tweak them however you like. Really like the different size cleavage for each btw and it looks like they even have different body types. Really hope they have part of their outfits on in the animation but its cool if they don't. I also think this is a great scene to show the dickgirl starting out as a female and growing her cock. Sort of like the power escalation of a boss battle lol.

Rob Jones

BTW Nyl what characters from Bladur's Gate were you planning on using? And will you also be doing something with the new Mass Effect Models? Would be cool as I feel you have learned so much since the last time I've seen you do something with Liara. And of course to celebrate the new Remastered game and all. Just a thought. Please keep up the good work!


If there was going to be an animation, I'd like to see some Lady D on Mia action. I like the whole "bad having their way with the good angle".


Has he answered this yet ? We’re getting a full on Lady D project right??? Like a full movie


Idk, I think it's more likely going to be some short clips and pinups.


Finally, girls I can take home to mother. :)


Keep the blooooood


Jables is correct. Nothing big, just some small animations and images.


I'm planning on using... most of the characters from Baldur's Gate. As I eluded to in this post; BG3 character models are formatted in such a way that I can combine their heads, bodies, and textures into one big master model and then just use sliders to determine the character. I'm not planning anything big with it, but it's sort of a fun thing to experiment on. I'm not sure I'm gonna do much with Mass Effect. Maybe if some really good models get ported.

Rob Jones

Wow, awesome to hear that re: BG3. I think Shadowheart and Laezel are right up your alley. Although I hope you tweak Laezel's nose just a bit. Making it just a little bigger/longer (or her face length shorter) would make her way better looking. I was just curious about ME3 but the more I think about it, you really should try something. Your use of blender has come a long way and it would be a blast from the past to see an animation with new models from a game you used to do back in the day.

Whale Tunnel

I honestly imagine seeing Mileena slapping all three with her futa D and just filling them cream until the daughters fainted with ecstasy. Then going to make an attempt conquer the main prize within the castle!


The blood definitely needs to stay

cb (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:23:20 Cant imagine them without blood, I think it's part of their charm, otherwise they'll just look like any other lewd vampire
2021-07-15 04:23:20 Cant imagine them without blood, I think it's part of their charm, otherwise they'll just look like any other lewd vampire
2021-05-31 11:41:57 Cant imagine them without blood, I think it's part of their charm, otherwise they'll just look like any other lewd vampire

Cant imagine them without blood, I think it's part of their charm, otherwise they'll just look like any other lewd vampire


Def keep the blood! Didn't realize one had a half-shaved head. Looks hot. Can't wait to see more with them!