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Well here it is, now that we're close to production I thought I would be a good idea to publish some sort of design document on my upcoming project.  It should help me get my thoughts in order, inform everyone on what my plan is, and properly set everyone's expectations.  Below I'll go into detail about the concept, my design decisions, and the rationale behind them.


A bright young warrior enters a gorgon's lair to slay her, only to be struck by her beauty.  The gorgon proposes a challenge of a less violent, more sexual nature.  If the warrior wins, she will free her predecessors and banish the gorgon.  If she loses, she will be petrified and added to the gorgon's extensive collection.


Set in mythic times, this story draws from the roots of Medusa's legend.  Taking a similar role to Perseus, the Warrior seeks out the monster with a sword and mirrored shield with the goal of beheading her.  However instead of engaging in a fight to the death, the plot takes an erotic direction.

'Gorgon' (working title) will be a fully animated, fully voiced 15-20 minute animation with two characters and a variety of sex scenes.  The short will feature a variety of fetishes like futa on female, double dicks, and long tongues.


With this project I aim to accomplish a few concrete goals:

1. Integrate motion and/or facial capture into appropriate parts of the animation.

2. Design and build two original characters almost entirely from the ground-up, from their personalities to their outfits.

3. Try a variety of new positions that utilize the Gorgon's unique features.

4. Exercise my story-telling muscles, just a little bit.


Though I have attempted many aspects of this animation before with works like Generous Donation, The Whiteout, and my Mortal Kombat series, there are still some big challenges that remain.


In the interest of keeping this document simpler, I've put my story research and summary in this Doc.  It's a quick look at the history of Medusa, where I'm taking her character, and how that relates to the plot of the animation and the design decisions there-in.  Only click if you want to read deeply conceptual stuff.


I'll be releasing showcases for both characters soon, but I'll also provide a brief overview of the characters in this document.

The Gorgon

'Medusa' and 'Gorgon' are basically interchangeable, but it's popular to refer to 'Gorgon' as the type of thing that Medusa is.  So I went with the name Gorgon just to separate her a tiny bit from Medusa's reputation and make her my own.

The Gorgon is a beautiful, yet imposing figure.  Her serpent hair frames her immaculate face much like her tall, muscular body frames her sexual features.  Medusa is an inherently sexual character, but obviously for our purposes this is made even more apparent.  Since she's designed to be a futa with two (2) dicks, every other part of her from presentation to history has to complement that.

I wanted to achieve a more human look for her than you'd often find in popular media.  No serpent tail, scaly skin, or serrated teeth.  It should be obvious that her transformation into a monster is of a more sexual nature.  That being said, I wanted to give her more reptilian facial features and show off a split tongue and slit eyes when appropriate.

Though she is intimidating, I didn't want to hammer her into a strictly domineering personality.  I just don't like that kind of stuff in the media I consume, adult or otherwise.  People should be people; caricatures just don't do anything for me.

I wanted to make her soft-spoken, precise, dismissive, cynical, and in a way superficially conceited.  If the plot outlines that she's surrounded by the statues of her previous intruders, it stands to reason that she has to have that interaction dozens, if not hundreds of times.  She doesn't have the patience to put on a show for every challenger that walks in.  These are the traits I'll be looking for in the casting process.  It isn't an easy tone to get across during dialogue, let alone moans and groans.

The Warrior

It is made apparent from the statues of her predecessors that the Warrior isn't the strongest, nor the bravest.  But she is, however, the brightest.  She came prepared with the right selection of crude, weathered gear.

Not only is she noticeably smaller in stature than the Gorgon, she's apparently spent much more time in the hot sand and dry air of the outside world.  Her fabrics are torn up and her face is scorched by the sun.  I wanted the two to really visually contrast each other.

Nevertheless, she is a beautiful young woman who has ended up in the Gorgon's lair.  In some ways, she reminds the cursed soul of her former self before she hid away in her cavern.  Her body is athletic but smooth, and her sexual features are much more subtle than the Gorgon's.

Though she is young and apprehensive, she is driven, quick-witted, and potentially wise beyond her years.  It's not explicitly stated, but it's implied that the quest to slay the monster is desperate if the likes of her are being dispatched.  She is overtaken by desire for the Gorgon and promptly determines that if she is to win the sexual challenge, it will not only take great physical effort, but great mental effort as well.


When it's all said and done I intend to carry what I've learned to the next project, as I've done before.  This project will give me a great opportunity to learn some crucial techniques and habits for more ambitious projects in the future.  I think this should be just the right sized project at just the right time, so here's hoping I don't bite off more than I can chew.

Regardless I'll have plenty of small projects to do on the side, like more pin-ups and short animations of game stuff and whatever else interests me.  I predict this project will take me 4-5 months, maybe longer, but I don't want to rush myself or set a specific deadline this early in the process.




What Body & Face Motion Capture System are you going to use?


I'm excited! The background, personalities and design are key because who knows, this may not be the last use for these characters and maybe a start of a series.


This a great read and insight into the characters and thought process, can't wait to get to know these characters further and to see the actual animation! Thanks for sharing and look forward to more.

Dexter Music

just one dick is cool. a big one. no need for 2. just my opinion.

Angelo B.

Talk about going deep. You are like an archeologist bringing the best of the past back to life for us plebeians to enjoy.

Gary Palmer

Wow 15-2min and fully voiced. If you are able to pull this off in the timeframe you alloted and is top quality, maybe this could be done more often with other characters in the future. Regardless you have set some hight bars to reach for yourself and I hope you can reach if not surpass them. Good luck. I'm rooting for you.


Oh man this is gonna be something worth waiting for, I'm really keen to see how you're gonna manage the two dicks side of things and if you don't mind doing so, sharing with the class how you managed it, I kinda like the idea of slapping two cocks on a character, I've just never been sure how to handle such a thing. 4 Balls??? I believe in you and your skills Nyl, you've got this one, let's fucking go!


I must ask, will those two cocks be side by side, or one above the other?


Excellent work and a very interesting reconceptualization of the Gorgon's story, making her much more relatable psychologically than the standard snake-woman-bad story. And I love how all your creative choices are grounded in this deep consideration of the conceptual framework. Looking forward to watching the process and to the final product!

Stevie Goodenough

Oh man. This will be well worth the wait.

Oras Ukir

Everything sounds great, happily waiting! Just pls make sure the warriors breasts are big enough :P


I like the fetishes part. Hoping for maybe some consentacles.


You had me at “double dicks”.


I'm glad you shared this exciting news about your new upcoming project. Really very impressed with that. By the way, I really liked how you created the Gorgon according to your concept and style.


Right now I'm just using Blender to ingest footage for facial capture, but that could change if I find something better. I'm still working on the motion capture process on the software side of things. I basically just need it for walking animations so I'm trying to figure out if it's even worth it to invest in a set-up.


I read the story research document , and it was very well written. May I suggest a couple of things i think you’ll be open to 1.) Aphrodite (female) would be an excellent option for your next film 2.) perhaps have her seduce a young futa woman or servant


I think the warrior's bottom lip should be thicker to match her upper lip.


You are simply the best of any current futa x female artist. No one else can do what you do except for General Butch and Miro, and that's being somewhat generous to GB and quite generous to Miro. I am honored to support you and grateful for the incredible art you give. I love that this new project is something you have decided on entirely for yourself, including brand new original characters, because I know this decision will help you to work with passion and excitement on something you are ultimately satisfied with and all of us are absolutely thrilled with.

James Hârn

The myth of Medusa is always a good reminder that Athena is not a benign deity, and in particular the idea that she's on the side of women is incorrect to the stories. Aphrodite seems to be more helpful, honestly.


GB is almost on the same level as NYL miro is OK but GB and NYL are on a different tier


I say the last movie moved NYL to not only the top of the futa x female creators but all of them hes barely above GB .......BUT I don't really know if i like the female character in this movie she isn't as good looking as previous characters but she may grow on me as time goes.


The excitement is building


Hello Nyl! I have created a fan logo with my suggestion of a new name for the project. Are here: https://prnt.sc/uoYijvjdRPal and https://prnt.sc/SUn5zxW72Lw9 The fountain is inspired by a black ivory stone which is a reference to the material used in the Gorgon/Medusa temple. The background is also a linear design of a wall of a typical house in Lesbos, a place where Medusa is venerated. The blue color is a representation of Athens because in the Peloponnesian wars, the Island of Lesbos was under Athenian control. In addition, the protagonist has a shield with the owl of the thought of Athens. I've called it 'Heroes & Monsters' because I feel like it does justice to the heroic legend you want to tell, plus a futanari character should be a hybrid of a hero and a god, a demi-god. (Kratos loves this xD) Anyway, I haven't done anything Greek in a long time and I've had a good time.