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A couple weeks ago I thought of the idea for an animation competition and pitched it around to some other artists.  It gained a little bit of traction and reactions seemed generally favorable, so I thought I'd do a little write-up and see what you guys thought.


My idea was to fund/sponsor a competition where participants are given a set of restrictions and a time limit.  Afterwards their work would be rated by a set of judges on specific criteria, with the top ranking artists receiving a cash prize.

The goal of the competition would be to encourage the creation and improvement of pornographic art within the bounds of healthy contest.  Artists interested in entering would be incentivized not only by the prizes, but by the audience exposure and valuable feedback from veteran artists.  Audiences are of course rewarded by the extra influx of free artwork into their feeds, with the possibility of discovering new and upcoming artists they may not have heard of.

It's a simple idea, but it comes with a few hiccups.

Issue 1: Skill Gap

As with all competition, it's normal to expect a differing level of talent and experience between the contestants.  I'd hope that less experienced artists would still be incentivized to enter even if they didn't expect to place.  My worry, and the worries of several other artists I've talked to, is that a single individual could enter and sweep the competition.  It may be anti-climactic, but could be less of an issue if for instance 2nd and 3rd place received cash prizes as well.

Issue 2: Platforms

I'd like for the competition to be centralized on Twitter.  It's where many people consume their porn in this community and the format of the platform lends itself to spreading the word.  However, Twitter isn't the proper platform for organizing information and materials, so it would have to be supplemented somehow.  This could be in the form of a Google doc, MEGA folder, or sponsor hosting site.  I'd like to avoid creating an original website for this; the less overhead the better.

Issue 3: Entry Criteria

This isn't a big issue, but I think it would be important to provide ample context to the competition.  Entrants should know the specific criteria of the contest including technical requirements, time constraints, and even what specific fetishes will be covered.  A lot of this can be done in the advertising process, like calling it the '1-Week Futanari Animation Competition' or the '24 Hour Threesome Original Character Animation Competition', or perhaps something less long-winded.

Though the contest wouldn't require any sort of entry payment, I think it would still be important to require entrants to apply.  This mechanism could be used to make sure they meet the minimum requirements,  understand the rules, and possess the minimum level of skill necessary.  This could be streamlined with a Google form or something similar.

Issue 4: Organization

A lot of artists were interested in funding and promotion, but no one seems to be interested in organization (including me, though I would be willing to supervise).  I've spoken to a few people about organizing, but I'm still looking for people who have the time, interest, and skill.  The organizer(s) would be responsible for creating promotional materials, putting together forms, making announcements, corresponding with entrants and judges, and in general being the public-facing component(s) of the competition.  This could easily be a paid position on commission.

Alternatively I try to work with a sponsor website or organization like slushe.com or one of the Rule34 sites and have them take care of most of the work.  The competition would obviously be less flexible in this case, but perhaps with a small enough organization it could work out.


Doing a small-scale 'test run' could help hammer out a lot of these ideas, so perhaps I'll start with something in my own niche like the '7-Day Animation Competition: Futa Edition'.  Contestants would have 7 days to put together a 3D pornographic animation involving 2 or more characters with at least one futa.  Something like that, anyway.

Let me know what you guys think!



I like the idea NYL, but the time limit might hinder the best we could see from the animators. If this idea was to determine who is the best professional animator, then I completely understand. But if the focus is more on who can make the best looking animation, maybe a longer time limit would help? I wouldn’t know how long it takes exactly so excuse my ignorance. I genuinely do like the idea though👍


I hope something like this happens, and maybe starts a regular group project. Maybe the next could be full on collaboration rather then competition. For example, like them or not, game grumps have a "animate a grump" where each animator animates a 20 or so second segment of a recording to make one big animated video. Could start off with something smaller like to a song, etc. So someone gets to animate song for 0:00 to 0:20, etc. Each animator says their plan so the next animator can continue the scene but in their style, or they can choose to do something completely different, etc.

Gary Palmer

I like it. If not just for the exposure. To see new talent out there and what they have to bring. If anything it would difenitly help those participating to hone their skills.


The product for the competitions would be pretty small: probably 5-10 seconds, no more than 30 seconds. From my experience it's reasonable to create something of this size within the time-frame of a week, even if someone only has 2-3 hours a day to work on it. Either way I think some amount of time-pressure is an important factor in any competition. It forces you to make creative decisions under pressure, which is a valuable skill. Besides, I actually think a longer time frame could have unintended side-effects, like widening the gap between artists. If someone has more time in the day to work on the animation, that time will only compound. For example an animation set over the 48 hours of a weekend would perhaps be more equitable, because the available free time in that period is most consistent among every contestant; professional or amateur.


That's a cool idea. Write out a short scene with multiple positions, share assets, and assign each section individually.


i love your cassie cage and sonya blade videos will they be competing with sindel more?


Definitely. Depending on the project (say a music video set to song "porn star dancing"), conditions could be left more open. No asset limits or animation tool limits. There's still plenty of people using source film maker (really hopped valve would have kept support, but I get it with all the NSFW). This would expand the number of artist that could participate. Depending on the artists, they could even take 2-3 segments if they know they work faster. It would end up being a huge promo video for all artist which all of them to post so their followers could be introduced to others they might not know off, etc. Also the concept of a music video lends itself a lot better to changing scenes: dancing futa here, next scene could be sex, after that maybe someone wants to try lipsyncing to the song, etc. Artist could share general idea of what theyll be doing so people could work off one another If they wanted to. Main thing would be to keep limits low so each artist have as much creative freedom to try and really have cool scenes come up. The co-op nature could be as focused or as broad as needed depending on the goal/theme in question. As said, I'd really like to see these multi-artist project happen. Not often as to not affect their own patrons and goal, maybe like 2 times a year or so, maybe more often if well organized and many artist to make the segments shorter.


Great idea! I think time is one of the main concerns, In my opinion holding these competitions work well in times which guarantee more people to be free, like the Easter break for example Otherwise I feel like the theme of the competition might need more details. Every artist has their own style which is a different topic, but we might need to be more specific about what fetishes or scene ideas to follow. Like for example I have a Demon Minotaur model, which is a futa, but not a human model.


Timing is pretty important, as well as giving people ample notice of when the competition is going to happen and when they can sign up. I think a lot of those details can be sussed out through constraints. Simple things like requiring a certain character or set and distributing publicly available assets to those who need them. The idea is to make the requirements known and the resources available, but leave the option for modification open to the artist.

Angelo B.

A week sounds great, so that those who still need to live off their other projects or physical jobs aren't choosing what to cut out. As usual, it's getting people to work the system as no one wants to stop getting paid upfront for part time work. Or even find people with the skills in a timely manner who need work... Maybe posting an ad in indeed might work? Does indeed allow for adult orientated jobs?


I would love to join this but you would have to provide the character as im getting a dumb amount of hours at work. Keep on it brother, ideas like this are really cool


Sounds like a great idea and I'm happy to see you inspiring movement and creativity in your field