Animation Challenge: June 15 - 19, 2020 (Patreon)
Since I'm in the middle of rendering and working on other projects, I thought I'd do this whole animation thing that I outlined in my update post this month.
The idea is that I'll give myself just one day to create and publicly release a small animation, and do that for 5 days. The animations will be short loops and actions, and I'll most likely be rendering in Eevee. I'm not really doing this for any particular reason other than to take a short break from long animations this month. Beeple does something similar, but he's been doing it for a very long time.
I've decided to do this next week, June 15 - 19. I'll give myself a roughly 24 hour time period for each animation, releasing them before the next day starts (according to my timezone). I don't think I'll require myself to add audio or anything because it's not the focus of the exercise. Nor will I require any specific length or character count, just whatever idea I can come up with and execute.
Feel free to follow along or even try yourself!