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Here's one of the characters I've been working on for my next original project.  As you can see, she's relatively similar to some of the other characters I've created aside from the two dicks and the snakes.

I know it's probably not up everyone's alley but I wanted to mix things up a little bit, give myself a challenge, and test out some new tech.  I had a simple idea for a scene involving a warrior entering a gorgon's lair and it sounded achievable yet challenging.  In the script, the gorgon proposes the warrior a challenge to free her petrified friends.

On the gorgon's design, I decided to go with a more human look.  This meant no wings, no horrifying face, and of course no serpentine lower half (which was never really part of the mythology anyway).  For the hair I wanted to go with a more relaxed look, so her snakes are a little more docile and thus form a more casual hairstyle.  Each snake is controlled with various bones, splines, and hooks to ensure that they respond to movement and slither around on their own.

Aaand I gave her two dicks because... well she would just sort of be like all of my other models if I didn't.  It'll make her more unique, more monstrous, and give me new pose ideas for the animation.  I had a previous iteration of her that was more scaly, but decided to sit on it.




Two dicks looks amazing :)


I fucking love this idea. Can’t wait.

Chun Li

I’m with the two dicks tbh, I’ve always wondered if you’d bring them back. :D your sheeva x cassie stuff you made in the past were great!


I'm into this.


Technically that's really appropriate, 'cause snakes got two penises!


The bottom dick is gonna be extra floppy. Maybe extend the groin or navel to be a bit longer so it dont look so weird? Then maybe if you move the dicks up a bit then the one below will be on her body instead of dangling. Sorry this is me nitpicking. Good job though. Cant wait to see what's up.


I was thinking something similar. I love the overall design, but I'm not entirely sure about the bottom dick's physics playing out either. I'd imagine both to still be attached near her groin region, vs. 1 kinda... floating? underneath the other. Fantastic concept though, excited to see what comes from her design.


Oh boy, I love the setting for this project. Can't wait to see how the warrior looks like if gorgon is shaping up this good. Dis gon b gud.


It's a little bit more stable than the angle leads on, but I see where you're coming from.

Lilith Lovelight

I love your work and I can't wait to see more!!


oooooooooh boy, i can't wait to see this chick animated! *o*

Kei Montague

This is right up my alley. I enjoy the idea of two dicks 🙂


Interesting but I think it’s to unrealistic in comparison to other stuff, why not mix it up in time with 2 dick girls like 3d effect and all these other artists are doing you could easily top due to your level of skill and detail


Sounds like a lot of work animating an extra body. Also snakes often have two dicks, so at least it's thematically correct.


Can't wait to see what you do with this sexy beast.

Norman A. Letterman

I dig the general idea, I do agree with others that you need the bottom shaft to also extend back to give it proper support.

Angelo B.

Even though you'd probably been working on this for some weeks to months before posting this, the new mk11 trailer came out with a new sheeva skin. She looks way different now. Maybe its time to revive sheeva?


I might look into the Sheeva model later, but she's not a priority of mine right now.