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This is going to be another back-loaded month unfortunately, the state the world caused some things to come up and so I fell behind on updates.  The next animation will be coming out very soon and this is a preview of the one after that.

I changed the environment a little since I rendered this since I wanted it to work with more camera angles, so I ended up making a circular bed that I'm going to be putting out there like I did with my other bed a while ago.




Looks awesome, so far, Nyl. I know things aren't great, right now. But your work is promising. And I, like I'm sure every one of your other patron's are, am eagerly looking forward to what you turn out next! Keep it up!


This looks amazing.


Looks great!


I wonder how she'll put that missile into her mouth... 😍 Maybe at the end of the scene, like the reverse of WW/Powergirl clip... Can't wait to see!!! (Even if there will be not a blowing scene) Keep up your awesome work and stay safe NYL!!!

John Smith

Cassie a tank taking that cannon sindel looks hot


Wow.... that looks incredible! Hoping for some tummy bulging as usual but even if there is none I'm sure it'll be awesome Cassie looks gorgeous. Keep up the great work sir and stay healthy!


Sindel is phenomenal


A shining light in these dark times.

Snake Plissken

Hope the chain is animated and given sound effects, hot


Will this before a lengthy animation?

Kei Montague

My body is fuckin ready for this. Thanks for still sharing your art with us, homey. I appreciate you more than you know.

Tom Wilkinson

Wow i cant wait for this, love cassie Cage and so glad your doing animations with her!


Your cocks are amazing