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Hey everyone,

It's a new decade and we're back in business.  I'm back from taking a month off from the Patreon and I should have plenty of things to show you this month.

- This week will be the release of the full Wonder Woman and Power Girl video, which I'm still planning on releasing publicly.

- The week after that I should have an anonymous Warcraft commission done.  It's a bit larger than normal and should come out to a little over a minute long.

- Before the month is out I plan to have another animation out with my recently updated OC's as well, but that may hinge on some technical issues.

I'm not sure what else I'm going to do yet, but it should be a fun and productive month.  Thanks to everyone who stuck around over the break and happy 2020!



Happy to have you back Nyl.


This truly is the greatest timeline.


WWxPG THIS week? 2020 is shaping up to be great year already!


Cool stuff, welcome back.


Damn, sounding like a baller ass month. Welcome back to the madhouse Nyl.

Tyler Petty

Glad to see you back and i sm looking forward to wonder woman (futa) x power girl this week keep up the good work


Aaaah so excited! Looking forward to everything!!


I cant wait to see the wonder woman completion

John Smith

Welcome back thank you for your work. Wonder man and power girl this week amazing


Welcome back and happy new year =)

Michael Robinson

I would love more Wonder Woman but whatever you do next should be great


Happy new year.


Hnnng the anticipation for the WW scene is killing me.


It feels like it's never gonna release ... T_T


welcome back nyl, still waiting for the release tho


Welcome back, it's sunday I'm almost crying, no release till now ;_;


Oof I hope there's no delay, This must be a hell of a render huh


I think your Wonder Woman and Power Girl senes are your best work yet! I look forward to the release of the full video


God... I can't wait!


Same ... I hope Nyl is okay though and nothing bad happened to him. I don't mind if it releases later, but some information about him being alright would be great. Where he tells us he is fine and there is just a bit delay for some reason.

John McCarthy

When this comes out it well be happy happy joy joy time ...


if it comes out... :/


I'm sure it's on it's way just calm your tits... I understand the radio silence is worrisome but the way you're going about it in this comment section is pretty annoying.


Maybe he meant this week instead of last week?


I’m confused..


Calm your tits people, art like this doesn't just materialize out of thin air, it'll take as long as it takes. See any delay as non-fap time so when it is released you can give it a good welcome ;)


Sure, it can be annoying a little, but shit can happen, and Nyl might not even be alive right now, who knows? It was the same with another guy called Tsoni, who just disappeared and their friends confirmed that he died in an accident... Okay, it's worst case scenario, but you can never know. He said it is gonna release last week, but nothing happened. Not even an informing message about the current situation. I think it is understandable if people are going off in the comments, because they didn't get what they were promised. I don't know if radio silence is his thing, if it is, I hope it's only that and we are going to hear from him soon. I don't know, for some reason I have a bad feeling about this too, don't ask why.


I hear you but I think there is a fine line between being concerned with his well being and just being borderline annoying asking about the release, that was at least my impression from some of the comments. He was active on twitter 2 days ago tho so I hope everyhing is all right and he is just taking some extra finishing touches. Hope for the best.


Yeah, I hear you too, and you are right. I hope he is alright, maybe something crossed his calculations, private matters, and he is busy with some stuff. But damn, I literally can't wait no more for the release. :P


You guys are just hungry for the Wonder Woman finale, calm ya d*cks for a 2 minute scene your gonna n*t and forget about. It'll get put out and Nyl is fine, just doing Nyl stuff

juneho han

I don’t care when WW will be updated :) I just wait it with happy emotion :)