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I don't expect everyone here to care much or understand very well, but I'm curious where you guys would like to see improvement in the future.  Even if you don't understand the technical side your opinion is still welcome, as I like to get a vague idea for what people are hoping for and what they like about certain artists.

A lot of my improvements in the past year have been related to fidelity.  This is mostly because the switch from SFM to Blender allowed me to improve the look of animations by so much more and didn't really open up too many animation tools to me.

In the future I'd like to improve everything, but allow me to break it down and explain a bit:

1. Animation: This choice relates to the overall quality of the motion you see on screen.  It involves refining and improving my hand animation skills, researching and learning more about different types of simulation, and implementing (possibly investing) in motion capture where appropriate.

2. Fidelity: This is anything to with the quality of the image you see.  Lighting, textures, materials, framing, environmental design, prop design, resolution improvements, etc.  Most of this category focuses on how to make the model pretty, but some of it also relates to working more under the hood.  I'm going to tack sound design on here as well, since it's closely related.

3. Process: This option has to do with the process I go through to make the videos.  This is where I focus on improving my speed and quantity.  A lot of this is focused on developing and refining my personal pipeline, but also working on technical aspects to make things go faster, like developing better rigs and optimizing for render times.

4. Creative: Uh oh, the C word.  If you'd like to see improvement in my conceptualization of a scene then this would be a good option.  This can be anything from pose choice, to kink choice, to writing, to bringing in voice actors and taking on more challenging projects.  It's not a great description I know, but I had to categorize it somehow. 

Peripheral options like VR wont be included in this poll since they're a bit outside of its scope.  More angles like POV would belong in the process options, since it involves render times.  Of course let me know in the comments if you'd like to see anything specifically, just keep the fetish talk in the fetish poll.



Animation and fidelity are already top notch so I can only see process and creative aspects being logical.


I voted for "creative," but I think there's some overlap between that and "process." I like the idea of longer videos with story, but not necessarily like a plot or dialogue. Something like a series of clips with some continuity between them could be an interesting way to make a scene feel more real. For example, scene 1 is a blowjob ending with a facial, scene 2 is fucking that shows the facial aftermath. This is a pretty basic example, similar stuff could be done with clothes, toys, the environment, etc


I agree w/ what others have said so far: your animation/fidelity has been super top quality. I'm leaning more towards creative over process, given that process is something that just takes refinement on your end that I can't really comment too much on. While producing content at a faster rate would be nice, given your quality of work, I imagine that it would be even more hardware taxing. As for creative, I'd love to see more variety in the posing (though you've covered some excellent poses that I haven't really seen elsewhere). Some popular ones that I definitely would love to see is mating press and the reverse cowgirl full nelson. The latter might be difficult to animate cleanly though.

Supreme Overlord Llama

I voted for Creative. Animation wise you're really good already and besides motion capture (which would be cool) I find a lot of that improvement will just come from making animation. Same goes for fidelity. Lightning, textures and all that jazz is really good, so while sure you can work on improving but should not be really the focus just like animation. Process was hard to decide if that or Creative were more important. If you can improve on your skill to be faster, great as long the quality does not suffer. The improvement to a better rig and optimizing for render times is the real take away though. Anything that helps with loads, even more so if the animation get longer or more ambitious. Creative was main choice though. Mostly for writing and voice actors. Pose and kinks are just too subjective and well I kinda have a lot Stories are just a lot of fun and yes I love my porn with plot. Of course voice actors can really make those story/scenes come really alive. Plus it can also keeps things fresh if the more technical improvement feels at somewhat of a stand still. Those are my 2 cents.


You've already got animation and fidelity down, no worries there. I voted process because creativity comes in different shapes and sizes.


Everything is fine for me. Just would like more frequent updates. (which is a good problem to have, i suppose)


I don't think I can constructively criticize any part of your work. You make nothing but gold every single time. Just remember to not get burnt out and that you are very talented.


I really struggle with this. I like waiting and gathering materials together before I post WIPs and updates but that results in less posts. I might start doing more frequent progress updates.


Thanks! Getting burnt out mostly relies on balancing what I want to do and when. My motivation tends to go in frequent waves, instead of being totally into something for a year and then never touching it again, I'll go on and off week after week. That's provided I'm working on something at least close to what I want to do.


I love your ideas and your style of animation. A lot of guys create beautiful scenes with awesome looking models. But not a lot have characters with the weight, and realness of how your characters move. I think that is what stands out to me and what I like about your work the most. On top of the fact that they are also perfectly beautiful as well.


I can tell you your work is incredible. My wife really likes the connection the characters share. I was hoping you were going to add more to the wonderwoman power girl saga. Keep doing what you do


I picked Process, not because I think you're not posting as often, but because I really appreciate the attention to details in your animations, there's a realness to them like the resistance during the thrust or the skin reacting to the physics. So from the process department, I think you're being hindered by hardware, and lucky for you, we have a hardware war so your time to profit is near. I also voted for Creative, but I already like what is happening so you can only go up from here.


yeah as long as there are creampies and cumshots im happy.