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1080p Jizz 

1080p No Jizz 

Here I had a pose that would have been a pain in the ass to animate, but looks pretty good as a single image.  The upside is that I got to try a multitude of fun post processing tricks on this one.




Looks amazing! Any chance we'll be seeing an animation with a similar pose like this with futaxfuta?


Yup, just gotta get dick physics down. I guess I could hand animate it but it'd be a good chance to test it out.


Might wanna turn the quality of that glow to high next time, if you're using EasyFX you just go into Compositing, you'll see the quality settings and other shit there as per usual. Gotta be honest, nice pose and that but Yennefer's dick has a flat look to it, like no veins at all or any proper detail, just the skin and that's about it.


Yeah that's the lighting I decided to go with in order to get the best detail out of the balls and Triss's dick.