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So I took a crack at working with the model's breasts and I found it very el-lucy-dating.

*laugh track*

Anyway, I avoided subdividing because I wanted to see how much I could accomplish in case I wanted to try animating something like it.  It went alright, it's hard to get the lighting to show the detail in the breasts and illuminate the rest of the shot nicely.  I'm glad Lucy's face held up alright in this angle, it still needs more detail and I'm thinking Maev's dick needs more detail as well.




Jesus, she slides her cock forward up to the base and the tip will be between Lucy's eyes, that's begging for her tongue to be stuck out aswell to run along it. I agree on the needing more detail part, as nice as the displacements are for Maev's cock, the smaller amounts of detail are lacking, especially on the glans, there's no um...wrinkles? The lines that are generally on the glans, it's lacking those. What do you mean you avoided Subdividing though? I don't follow, I know Maev's base mesh isn't THAT high poly to be that smooth so I'm more than confused by this.

Norman A. Letterman

i'd love to see this animated, it's a great angle


This was a great Pin-up 😉