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There's always this thing that happens when I work on larger projects, where I end up not story-boarding anything and as a result I start adding more and more.  This happens to most people, but it never happens to me when I'm working on someone else's project.

So I'm firing on all cylinders to complete this project, but since it's been a while I'll probably work on this month's animations on the side.  Those animations would be the Brigitte x DVA one and the current poll animation.  As I've just updated, I've finished doing the $10 tier commission thing.  Despite this, I'll probably still be taking private commissions.  I have a huge backlog of people who want one right now, so I'm considering raising the price and thinning the heard a bit.

For the future:

1. I'm hoping that The Whiteout will be my last animation in SFM (besides this poll animation).  It's a great program, but the more I use Blender, the more I'll learn.

2. I'll be taking the next month or two to do a lot of shorter animations, mostly to test out models and rigs.  Scene design is fun, but it takes a lot of time to practice.

3. I have another collaboration coming up that should be pretty big.  Past that, I'm planning a less-porny video for the end of the year.  It'll combine everything I've learned so far and hopefully prepare me for what's coming in 2019.  My biggest challenge will be searching for voice talent comfortable with mature work.  They're few and far between and the ones who do it can be pretty expensive.  If you or anyone you know has some resources you could refer me to, feel free to message me.

4. We're getting pretty close to some new graphics that I like, so hopefully I'll have those up this month or next.

That's all for now.  As always, thanks for your support!



Hey nyl i hope you are planning on making more projects like whiteout, i want to see more of like intimate scenes like lara and her BF with great stories and such keep up the great work.