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Woo, late update!

It's been about a year since I started doing these updates and about a year since I started doing these monthly commission things.  The commissions have definitely been a unique experience.

As for what's up this month, I have a different kind of commission than usual.  I'll be making 4 single character pin-ups of Overwatch characters, each with very sultry poses.  The WIPs will be posted here and I'm pretty intrigued by the project thus far.

Also this month is the Paragon blender animation from last month's poll.  I've been experimenting with attaching and sculpting a dick to the Countess's model, but I've tried twice already and it hasn't worked out.  Here's to the third time!

Aside from those things, I've been working a little bit on the Lara project and I might be doing some collaborations with other artists in the near future.

Thanks for the support!

EDIT: Oh I forgot.  I'll be releasing scrapped angles for both the Widow x Tracer animation and possibly the Lucy x Calypso animation at the end of the month, so look out for those.


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