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So I see we've taken a majority interest in DC, very interesting.  So here's the deal:

I've heard whispers in the forums about interest in porting Injustice 2's models once it comes to PC tomorrow.  This is mostly for my personal concern, but I thought I'd make a poll about it.

By the time my polls finish, should I wait for some models to get ported over from Injustice 2 (pretty game) or should I just go ahead with what I have (mostly Arkham models)?


Chun Li

Dang, it’s hard to say cause what if those models are bad? Then you waited for nothing :(


The groundwork is there, porting over the work would be difficult but those without the skill would not make the attempt. I'll do it without a rig if I have to, I've worked with some shitty models in the past and it would be hard to top them.