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So I completely forgot to do this, but here goes.

I've finally started actual production work on the larger project I've been planning, so it's kind of slowing other things down.  I've already talked with the commissioner for this month and it's underway.  As for the poll, I've got the data I need and unless I can find multiple good options I'm going to take care of the pose myself.  

In between things I've been trying to squeeze in some more learning with blender, but it's a deliberately slow process.  It's not really that difficult, it's just hard to motivate myself to do that instead of the work I have laid out for me each month.

Speaking a little bit on that, I can see that having this kind of work load each month has really stagnated my development.  I've taken a lot of the core decisions and put them up for vote or commission.  Though this is a whole new challenge and way of working on a project, it's challenging to innovate within such restrictions.  In the future I may move away from the current commission model, but if I do so I will be sure to give at least a month's notice.

That's all I got for now, so as usual thanks for the support!


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