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Hey guys.

It feels like it's August, weird how slow June moved.  Guess I got a lot done, hopefully I can keep it up.

So first off, I've contacted this month's commission winner 'Eric Garcia' and I'm waiting on a reply there.

Second, I've put some thought into the next stretch goal and it's just too soon to make any obligations.  Once I ease myself into more advanced programs for animation and the like, I'll have a better idea for where I want to head next.  In the coming months, I'd hope to do some public experiments with blender and see how they turn out.

My other plans for the near future concern my next story-based long-form animation.  I'm planning on using this month for the rough pre-production phase before moving into production and post in the coming months.  At the least, for the animation I need 2 modified models and a complete story board.

It's nothing big, maybe a bit longer than The Valentine but a lot more technical.  This animation will be a true test of weaving a tight narrative together, so the emphasis will be on tight editing and animation that serves the edits.  I'll have a post here on Patreon later that goes into more detail about the project.  There is also something else in the future that I have been planning for... something to give purpose to all of this training.

Other than that, I plan on doing another poll animation this month, maybe with a more tight selection of franchises this time.

That's about all I have to say, so thanks again for supporting me and let's hope for a good month!