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And here, okay, this time it's the 30th~!

Isn't this like the... first time maybe? Second time? that we've seen Aria actually SMILE in these strips? u_u)

Sorry guys if, as usual, I've been a little slow answering some of you, I have a small illustration fair/con that I'm attending to, I had a lot of fun today, sold a lot of art stuff and met lots of awesome artists. Tomorrow is the second day and the last : ) thanks again for your patience!




These faces that gug are making is killing me man.


No seas tan modesto. Eres de los artistas más productivos que he visto. Admiro tus esfuerzos pot satifacer a tus Patreons y al mismo continuar con estos comics. Y bueno, caderas de Aria, yum!

Eric Bloxsom

I wonder if one of those buildings outside the bathroom windows has the creepy rich guy in it.


Protect that smile


Hey man, just wanted to let you know that I love this comic, having just stumbled upon it recently. Love the dark Lovecraftian themes contrasted with the super cuteness especially. My friend (writer) and I (artist) have just started working on a comic together and your stuff is really inspirational. I hit you with that fat 5 big ones/month- thanks!


Oh woaaah! Thank you very much for that : D I'm super flattered! Best of luck to you guys too! I'm super glad that the comic inspires you, thanks a lot for the pledge and support !

Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

Aria's smile. My day has been made, and my heart warmed. I've seen few things in my lifetime as precious as this.