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Part 2 of this month!
I was away for a couple days since I was visiting family, so I'm back into business once again with a new batch of sketch goodies, hope you like~!

- Asuka (OC) octoling form
- Kinsley (OC) a healthy big girl
- Aria (my OC) ready for her massage session
- Luna (Starline) POV romantically looking at you
- Kaz (my OC) in graduation day! congratulations !
- Mika (my OC) it's her turn now to be in a bunny suit too !



Conte De Mauris

Oh my God, Aria and floating hands ❤️❤️❤️

Death of Ink

A front massage, very nice. She graduated from sexy school.


Aria's shoulders need a massage after all the work they get put through.


Mencanta <3