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So, the reverse poll was fun huh? I bet some of you didn't read haaa!
So yeah, fun times.
Panty got the least votes so it was a fun opportunity to sort of look back to this previous Stocking drawing I did a while back, and I thought I'd do a similar one so they can be paired side by side.

I really hope you like it! ♪

Regarding the next poll:
I'm sorry guys I think this November has been and will continue to be super busy for me, so I'm not too confident about doing the next poll...
My intention was to do another one where you guys vote for a scenario for one of my characters which have gone well in the past months, and I was gonna go with Mika this time around, BUT, I will still have some Mika art done by the end of the month for you guys who like her. So not all hope is lost haa and hope you can look forward to that.

If things go well, I'll catch up and may do a quick coloring poll still but can't promise just yet, thank you for understanding and for always being patient with me!  




I am so happy Panty won. ❤ It's awesome to see your Panty and Stocking art side by side.


Good work on this one. And rest/catchup when you need to, man.