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Hey friends, September is here for already a week almost, I haven't forgotten so here's some sketches! Some requests, some pending or late ones, I'm always catching up haha same story as always ♪ but thanks for the patience as always!

By the way, do you prefer I post these sketches in the usual ZIP file attached for download? or is just posting every sketch one after another better?

More to come!

- Allaya (OC)
- Korrina (Pokemon)
- Io (Code Vein)
- Osaka (Azumanga Daioh)
- Aria (my OC) cleaning your windows
- Rosemary (my OC)

Thanks for your support!




I've always appreciated the zip file!


Both are great if it's announced.

Death of Ink

If it makes Aria feel any better, I'd be wearing just as much as she is in the moment. No reason she has to be the only one with that much exposed skin.


OMG Rosemary!!??


I prefer if you post all the sketches one by one c: It's better to download just the one I want to have. I really like the Io and Aria one!! <3


Whatever is more convenient for you, Paroro!


As one of your archivists, of course I prefer the zip. So much faster to download and so much easier to unpack them to a solo folder, set names, then move them into the main sketch requests folder. The only benefit I could think of for why somebody wouldn't want the zip would be if they only wanted to save their request, or only specific ones. Which is certainly valid. Also, having no zip might result in somebody making their own to share with patrons who request it, which will in turn increase the chance of leaks by a tiny amount


I'm so glad to see Io and Rose


I prefer the zip nice sketches none the less


Zip file, please