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So! Poll time once again! ♥
This first poll was quite an easy theme to pick from, so since June is pride month, you guys suggested for me a fun cast of characters that fit the lgbt+ theme~🌈✨

So, as usual, multiple votes allowed!
Poll will end on June 10th!



Jill, all day every day. No contest.


Hyped as hell to see Jill here, Valhalla is one of my favorite games


Grea and Jill totally getting my vote. Jill was such a great character and paroro already sort of drew Aria in cosplay. sort of LOL

Avery Morin

I'd actually really like to see Jill win. Va-11 Hall-A is a great game that I wish more people knew of.


Wait, Ruby qualifies? Not mad, just curious where that comes from - anyone got a source they could share?


Personally, I'm not familiar with RWBY but the fandom seems to ship characters a lot? I'm sorry if it's not a confirmed thing, I get suggestions and then sometimes it's hard to double-check each one~ but if people don't mind too much, then all good!

Inverse Prophecy

Yes and no. In the game it's never mentioned that she's trans but a fan asked Mortis Ghost (the creator) if she could be to which he replied "why not?"

Inverse Prophecy

All of these characters are great but I'd like to see a guy win for a change of pace.


Probably not this poll, but maybe next poll could be fathers since last month was mothers.


As far as I can find, there is nothing definitive outside of head cannon on some websites. For a fan poll, it’s fine she is on here. However, please do not assume shipping is the same as sexual identity for fiction characters. Shipping is a fan’s idea of the character preferences, a personal label to fit the fan’s wants of that character’s life. It is not the characters actual preferences based on who they are. In most cases, this is harmless, but in others, it can result in a lot of unnecessary conflict. Sadly, rwby was an example of how shipping went out of control to ruin the image of so many characters. For me, the sexually identity of a fictional should be the choice of the character: not the fans, not the VAs, not the executives, not the writers, not even the creator of the character. Like real life, this is a personal question of identity, so the individual in question is the one to make the choice. Sorry for the rant, just wanted to say my peace. If this does result in a lot of hate, I will delete my comment, as I do not want that here.


Thanks for your comment! It's all good, you didn't say anything that could be disrespectful, and it's a very valid point of view. I share the sentiment and, when people take the freedom of assuming certain aspects that define a character, it can be rude. I say that myself as I've seen that happen even with OCs, including mine too. So yeah. In this case yeah it was a mistake to just take for granted something like that and not check to be sure, it's just a perk of these kind of polls and I sort of anticipated there would be a problem, which is why I usually prefer physical and visible traits for poll themes (such as .. horns, wings, etc), rather than subjective, psychological or abstract elements of a character that at times are difficult to prove. I took the risk and here we are haha! Next time I'll try to be just more concrete and avoid this kind of polls a little more. Thanks again for the input !


very sad that it's LGBT+ polls/discussions/etc, where proper representation is the whole point, that people always try to force their own preferences. the majority of patrons here will support whatever decision you make, man. we may be paying the rent but you own the house LOL


The discord #general has a pinned topic with potential poll ideas and one of them which I find really funny is "worst fathers" LOL. so we could try to rally for that.


Thought it particularly funny with Blake and Yang right there 🤣


I think just fathers would be better, as only worst fathers has a negative connotation that i would not want to make a suggestion for.


Where do the drawings from these polls get posted?


Usually I post them a week after the poll ends ! So normally it's 2 drawings, one around mid month and the second the last days of the month ♡


he did good fathers last year. and the whole list is about unused ideas. but maybe he'll reuse it since it's for a holiday