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Hey friends! Happy september~♪
In Chile it's national month, holidays and such later, so, this theme will be tricky..?

Latino theme~! 🌮🌯

Woah, so, by this I want to be open/flexible about it~

You can name characters whose bio/nationality explicitely says they're from a latin-american country?
Or just... have a latino vibe or connection to this, maybe a reference to  indigenous cultures, or maybe someone who just likes tacos or tequila a lot.

I'll think about it. I like being experimental with polls sometimes.

Poll will be up on Sept 7th~! ♥ (The same day my Class101 course launches~!)
One suggestion per person~! ♥



Striated Caracara from Kemono Friends, native to Argenta and someplace called Chile dunno if you ever heard of it tho ^.^ https://twitter.com/Hibax_FRE/status/955113594907013120 https://japari-library.com/wiki/Striated_Caracara


La Muerte from the Book of Life