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Hey friends~!
I dub this mini-sketch batch the Pebble adventures (or misadventures) batch.
Not really related to sketch requests or commissions but more like some quick ideas I thought I'd let out of my mind before they were lost, featuring some Amissionian OCs that I don't draw too often. Maybe I'll do more like this soon~
Hope you like it! ♥
Just in case to name them as I always do:
- (unnamed) cat-girl spiral Amissionian and Pebble
- Paski and Pebble
- Noz and Pebble
- and Lekin and Pebble.

They always having fun~



Bryan Snow

I hope pebble's tail grows back...


Poor Pebbles, someone should hug them.


Looks like Pepple and Paski are getting along very well. ^^