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And I dub this batch the... hair-over-eye batch, or almost, haha (8 characters, 9 eyes!)
Even if I suffer sometimes from same-face syndrome I try to vary them a little, hope you like them! Thanks again for your requests and sketch commissions!
These are:
- Parasoul (custom DnD inspired version) blasting some fireballs~
- Tear (Tales of the Abyss) receiving some well deserved headpats~
- Nami (OC) and Aria (my OC) being cute together~
- Aria (my OC) trying out a new lolita-like outfit~
- Abigal (OC)
- Alluka and Nanika (Hunter X Hunter)

Download the zip for the files~!



Death of Ink

Aria should try out dresses more often, she's very cute in them!


Really good pack. So glad Tear is still getting love cuz she was great.

Nora Cayetano

Aria look so cute in that dress! 🥰💕

Nora Cayetano

And those headpats... so wholesome 🥺