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A very fun pending that I had for a while but it's done now~!
Following the trend of having my OCs as RPG girls, it's been pretty fun, even Cerise will have a role too?! We'll see. At least she sure is having fun playing with her sister and playing pranks on her, debuffing her right before a big battle?! Oh no- !

Also added a fun version inspired in genshin impact haha, hope you like it!
Thanks again! ♥



Death of Ink

Oh Cersie, you little scamp you!


This is so awesome! LOL Thanks to everyone on the discord who contributed. Heaving boobs, firm thigh muscle, Cerise being a little shit to her sister. It's all so good.


I love me some bikini armor! Kaz looks super good in it!


Beautiful art as always sending love from Thailand


Cerise looks very cute in the background. 😄 But oof Kaz is in for some trouble.