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Edit: It's been a while since this one! SInce I never posted it on social media I thought of polishing it up a little bit before I do soon, so I thought of sharing this slightly updated version with you friends, hope you like it~!

So it's spooky month👻 and one fun idea was to grab one of the episodes from Negative Frames, remember? 

Poor Aria caught in despair and then she was thrown into Amissio soon after.
Was it just the spiral faces? Was there a bigger force involved there? Mmhm.

Oh yeah I forgot her scarf. No biggie.

Hope you like it! ♥




I'm used to tentacles doing other things but I still love the drawing XD


Id feel bad for aria, but she did just send kaz into a desolate dimension with only a tentacle friend to make her company.


I always took the ones in NF to be us, the fans. but Amissio seems to give it a different meaning so I need to rethink it. Anyway, freakin amazing.

Death of Ink

There was indeed a bigger force behind Aria being thrown into Amissio...it's name is Paroro!