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This is the most-voted option for the re-draw poll I did earlier this month! ?
Should have figured Aria would win by a lot, haha~!

Finally a pair of hands that are actually being nice to Aria instead of molesting her!

Anyway! The old one is from around 2010. Woah, time flies so fast.
I tried my best! I hope it's enough improvement for 10 years, oof.

Thanks a lot for voting for her ? Hope you like it!




Looks so moody and awesome and cute aaaa


Can anyone else imagine the metroid prime ost phendrana drifts with this?


she's gonna be pretty annoyed when she realizes they're taking her back to the start of the dungeon. consarn wallmasters.


God aria is just the cutest sexiest thing.


Its so clear to see it now :D

Dollface Cosplay

This is so dynamic and I love it! >,<


God that's inspiring looking at all that improvement even 10 years ago you were great but now dang man


Oh, this drawing is gorgeous~


This is honestly such an amazing edit to this piece~♡


Good God, this is beautiful! 😍 Simply going from dark and rainy to a gorgeous sunset really changes the tone of this piece. The original was dark and bleak, yet wholesomewith the monster shielding Aria from the rain with an umbrella. This edit is much more hopeful and sweet with the change in setting. Awesome edit. 👍

Death of Ink

Some sunshine for Aria!


Aria looks 10 years younger in the old picture too. It's less a redo and more she's getting some serious deja vu.