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Hey guys~!
I recently noticed (as some of you brought to my attention) that some of my private posts have appeared on some booru sites (like you know, danbooru, gelbooru etc).

I'm aware that this is very hard to control and lots of content-creators have struggled against the same issue that is trying to hold back the content leaks.

I suppose the most I can do is to try to ask you guys for discretion and respect towards this and my art (and other artists in general).
As I've mentioned, Patreon is my main art-fuel (in terms of monthly income too), lots of original content, comics, and all, depend on this~!  And these leaks hurt this whole purpose 💔, so I hope it's understandable.

Thanks for reading!



It's pretty crappy of whoever it is to distribute your exclusive Patreon stuff, even if it is to show appreciation, it goes against your wishes and shows lack of respect. You never have to worry about most of us doing that though!


Thanks a lot for that ♥ it's great to hear that in overall it's a common sense matter, it wouldn't be possible without this kind of support in the first place, heh, thank you!


Let's go on a witch hunt and kill them all 😈😈😈 Nah I'm joking but I'll report whenever someone is sharing your art without credit or even worse stealing it from your patreon, love your art way too much to disrespect it by illegally sharing it


Egh. That's so frustrating, especially given how closely-knit and engaged you are with your patrons. Hopefully the culprit comes to his senses and realizes what a dick move it is to pirate content from an indie artist who relies financially on controlling his own intellectual property.


If they did it without knowing, and just lack common sense, then I hope they take this to heart. Sites like gelbooru automatically copy everything uploaded to danbooru, smaller ones grab those too, and eventually pinterest. it's a huge cascade. Hopefully, danbooru user DeusExCalamus who did the initial uploading is one of your people and not yet another 3rd party. sadly, even when an image is deleted from Danbooru it can still be viewed by users of a certain level. And even if you go all out and request danbooru to make you a banned artist instead of just deleting the patreon ones, you can STILL upload your stuff and anyone can search for them. It used to be such a good site back in the day. Best wishes on this, man. And DeusExCalamus, if you're on here under a different name, c'mon, please be cool about this.