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Hey guys! First of all, Merry christmas to you all, hope you're having a good day, or night!
: D

Here's a little something I did during my stay with my family now that I'm out of town for a few days haha but I still wanted to draw stuff. And for a while, well, I had been wanting to do a little thing like this? Basically a compilation of many of my OCs and creatures and monsters and all. You'll recognize some from Negative Frames and some from Amissio too, some from both, heheheh. This makes me think about how I have a lot of neglected OCs or, some that haven't had an important role yet, but I have stuff planned for them in Amissio soon, heheh. Hope you like it!




Super cute!


Oh! I love this! :D <3 Would you consider making a key with their names, too? I'm afraid I haven't been around long enough to recognize all of them. :o


I loooove it so much 😍😍😍 also merry Christmas to you as well !!


Oh it's fine! There's a couple that haven't been even mentioned rather than a drawing or two so it's cool : B yeah I may do a little edit version with their names added!


Merry Xmas to you too. And yeah, my vote still goes for bottom center as best one. Remember that not every character needs a spotlight. Some work very well as background NPCs or one-shot helpers to flesh out what is normal in your respective setting. Like, say you had some human-looking adventurers walking through town, but everyone in the background is an ape or an angel or something. Or has a swirly face. That says tons about the world setting. Think of it like the first time you see a bar scene in a Star Wars movie. Also, I was thinking but a lot of these styles have a sort of Nippon-Ichi type feel to them. Kind of like that Hundred Night game. You're very good at giving characters a "creatures that live under the cracks of our world" feel.


Really cute stuff! I hope you have a great break and a wonderful holiday. Your art has truly been something to look forward to and is something I can't wait to see in the coming year ☺️ If a commission slot ever becomes free, you can bet that I'll try and take it since I would love to even better support your work. Again, happy holidays and thanks for everything you do! ❤️

Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

A whole mass of adorable. I see a Mika! And Aria of course. And Amora's cloak is pretty cool.