Setting up a Discord channel (Patreon)
Remember I mentioned this a while ago?
Some of you guys even offered to help me set up a discord channel for patreon and all, which made evident that there's a lot of interest in such a thing!
I didn't really use discord before but I've been getting used to it recently, so yeah I think it could be a fun idea to do this, in a more fun or direct way to interact and exchange ideas and such ?
This here should be the global invite link, I -think- that if you have patreon linked to discord you should automatically be assigned a role (according to your tier), but we'll test that out. Since the patreon help mentioned that the specific link for each role/tier for people -already pledging- is only sent when people update their pledge.
(In the meantime, I ask you that you don't share that link with people outside Patreon since I fear I may not be able to go check personally with each person and see if they're a patron or not (?))
For now, I'm trying to figure things out! I'm still new to this haha!
I think I'll limit this for now to the +5 and +15 tiers and see how it goes from there. Otherwise things could get hectic;!