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Jump N Shoot!
One from the pending list I'm constantly working on haha;! Thanks for always being so patient with me. This is my part for a little Smash project I'm participating along many other artists. I chose Mega Man of course, cause he's one of my favorites and can't wait to get Smash Ultimate eheheh.




Also Mega Man 11 was awesome ♪

Sassy Sauron

/r/ing /ss/ of him and Samus


MEGA MAAAAAAAAN he is the best and you did such an amazing job drawing him. And yes 11 was super cool I wanted to gush about it with ya haha


Haha thanks! I found it 10/10 except for the lack of Proto man and Bass;


You did such an amazing job with him!!! MegaMan has always been my biggest inspiration when it comes to Game design and Music stuff, so I absolutely adore your take on him. ;w;