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No worries, No spoilers here again!

Just a preview of the upcoming chapter/day/file (?) for this week, before I take my trip next week! So CRC will be on pause for 2 weeks or so : P it won't be that bad, I hope!

Remember that  https://twitter.com/CRC_Luna this account as usual will be tweeting most of the stuff~

But also you can read it easier here on webtoons too♫
In case you don't use twitter or just, can't be at all times checking the internet as the characters tweet out the story themselves.

Lots of dark tentacley stuff this time! ♥
Hope you like it!




No prob about the break, will NF be on a break too?? (o_O )


I'll try to not let that happen! In worst case scenario it will only be one week (the actual convention weekend on 16~18) but other than that I will continue with the usual strips ♥ If things go well and I have some spare time I may try to prepare said week's strip in advance!